46. Leistungsschau der DKG in Leipzig
DKG Ausstellungsliste 2016
Nr |
Gattung Art 'Stamm' |
Name |
Staat |
Pu |
Pl. |
Gruppe 1 Europa, Vorderasien & Nordafrika |
1001 |
Valencia letourneuxi 'GR-K 1994 Sidari/Korfu' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
8 |
1002 |
Aphanius similis 'TR-Elbistan' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
8 |
1003 |
Aphanius vladykovi 'IR-Gondoman' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
7 |
1004 |
Aphanius fasciatus 'IT - Fossalon di Grado' |
Wischmann |
353 |
6 |
1005 |
Aphanius meandricus 'TR-Isikli' |
Kärst |
271 |
8 |
1006 |
Aphanius danfordii 'TR-N 1986, Soysalli' |
Kärst |
271 |
8 |
1007 |
Aphanius sirhani 'JO-W 2000, Asraq Oase' |
Kärst |
271 |
8 |
1008 |
Aphanius sophiae 'IR-Persepolis' |
Kärst |
271 |
8 |
1009 |
Aphanius farsicus 'IR-Barm-e-Shoor Spring' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Hönsch |
239 |
kB |
1010 |
Aphanius mento 'Türkei' |
Herbst |
1239 |
7 |
1011 |
Aphanius mentoides 'Kirk Göz' |
Brünken |
1305 |
7 |
1012 |
Aphanius iberus 'ES-K 2007 Rio Llastres' |
Gruber |
682 |
A |
6 |
1013 |
Aphanius arakensis 'IR-Namak' |
Gruber |
682 |
A |
8 |
1014 |
Aphanius vladykovi 'Boldaji' |
Gruber |
682 |
A |
8 |
1015 |
Aphanius mento 'TRK 2006, Titreyengöl' |
Kraus |
kB |
1016 |
Aphanius apodus 'Ain M'Lila' |
Kahnt |
339 |
1017 |
Aphanius fontinalis 'Yeshilova TR-K 2012' |
Kahnt |
339 |
8 |
1018 |
Aphanius sureyanus 'TR-M' |
Kahnt |
339 |
9 |
[2] |
1019 |
Aphanius meandricus 'TR-Isikli' |
Kahnt |
339 |
8 |
1020 |
Aphanius mento 'striptus' |
Kahnt |
339 |
9 |
[3] |
1021 |
Aphanius meandricus 'TR-Isikli' |
Kahnt |
339 |
8 |
1022 |
Aphanius villwocki 'Ahiler' |
Kahnt |
339 |
8 |
1023 |
Aphanius mento 'TRK 2006, Titreyengöl' |
Kahnt |
339 |
8 |
1024 |
Aphanius dispar 'Jirdab, Bharein' |
Reuter |
143 |
8 |
1025 |
Aphanius dispar 'Jirdab, Bharein' |
Reuter |
143 |
9 |
1026 |
Aphanius dispar 'Jirdab, Bharein' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Reuter |
143 |
8 |
[Zg] |
1027 |
Aphanius similis 'Zengen' |
Reuter |
143 |
8 |
1028 |
Aphanius similis 'TR-Elbistan' |
Reis |
P |
8 |
1029 |
Aphanius vladykovi 'Boldaji' |
Wendel |
105 |
7 |
1030 |
Valencia letourneuxi 'Korfu ADK' |
Hernandez Corrial |
ES |
7 |
1031 |
Aphanius vladykovi 'Boldaji' |
Pascual Fernandez |
ES |
9 |
[1] |
1032 |
Aphanius isfahanensis |
Campo Fort |
ES |
7 |
1033 |
Aphanius transgrediens 'TUBCD 2008/03 Acigöl' |
Zapater Galve |
ES |
7 |
1034 |
Aphanius mento 'Zengen' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Reuter |
143 |
kB |
1035 |
Aphanius mento 'TRK 2006, Titreyengöl' |
Kahnt |
339 |
kB |
1036 |
Aphanius mento 'TUBCD 05/17 Bor' |
Berounsky |
CZ |
8 |
Bewerter: Schneider, Schmidtke |
Gruppe 2 - Nordamerika |
2001 |
Cyprinodon bobmilleri 'MX-KS 2011, Banjo San Ignacio' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
8 |
2002 |
Cyprinodon veronicae 'MX Aramberri Charco Azul' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
8 |
2003 |
Cyprinodon longidorsalis 'MX-Charco la Palmas' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
9 |
2004 |
Cyprinodon atrorus 'MX-HS 2011 Cuatro Cienegas' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
9 |
[1] |
2005 |
Cyprinodon macularius 'US-Salton Sea S 03/83' |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
8 |
2006 |
Fundulus julisia |
Stumpfegger |
734 |
9 |
[3] |
2007 |
Lucania goodei 'Tampa' |
Wischmann |
353 |
7 |
2008 |
Jordanella floridae 'FL, Loop Road' |
Wischmann |
353 |
7 |
2009 |
Fundulus pulvereus 'TX - Matagordo' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Wischmann |
353 |
6 |
2010 |
Jordanella floridae 'FL, Loop Road' |
Wischmann |
353 |
8 |
2011 |
Fundulus pulvereus 'TX - Matagordo' |
Wischmann |
353 |
7 |
2012 |
Cyprinodon fontinalis 'MX-Ojo del Apache' |
Kärst |
271 |
9 |
2013 |
Cyprinodon mionectens 'US/NV-K 2009, Point of Rock's Spring' |
Kärst |
271 |
8 |
2014 |
Crenichthys baileyi 'Crystal Spring' |
Hönsch |
239 |
8 |
2015 |
Crenichthys baileyi 'Crystal Spring' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Hönsch |
239 |
9 |
[Zg] |
2016 |
Lucania goodei 'Tampa' |
Johannis |
1184 |
8 |
2017 |
Fundulus julisia |
Kahnt |
339 |
8 |
2018 |
Fundulus zebrinus 'Double Mountain Fork of Brazos River' |
Kahnt |
339 |
9 |
2019 |
Cyprinodon veronicae 'MX Aramberri Charco Azul' |
Kahnt |
339 |
8 |
2020 |
Lucania goodei ' Tampa' |
Kahnt |
339 |
7 |
2021 |
Fundulus julisia ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Bayer |
48 |
8 |
2022 |
Chriopeoides pengelleyi |
Kemmling |
520 |
8 |
2023 |
Jordanella floridae 'Tampa' |
Kahnt |
339 |
9 |
[2] |
2024 |
Cyprinodon veronicae 'MX Aramberri Charco Azul' |
Kahnt |
339 |
9 |
Bewerter: Brebeck, Dr. Koran |
Nr |
Gattung Art 'Stamm' |
Name |
Staat |
Pu |
Pl. |
Gruppe 3 - kleine "Rivulus" |
3001 |
Laimosemion xiphidius 'FBS 95/2' |
Schmitz |
262 |
9 |
[3] |
3002 |
Laimosemion agilae 'Riviere d'Hervieux JRG 03/10' |
Wischmann |
353 |
6 |
3003 |
Laimosemion xiphidius 'FBS 95/2' |
Scholz |
535 |
7 |
3004 |
Laimosemion xiphidius 'FBS 95/2' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Scholz |
535 |
9 |
[Zg] |
3005 |
Anablepsoides ornatus 'SW Peru' |
Herbst |
1239 |
9 |
3006 |
Anablepsoides obscurus |
Vlasov |
705 |
9 |
[1] |
3007 |
Melanorivulus albae 'BRA JRG 2007 Pözo Bacabae' |
Vlasov |
705 |
8 |
3008 |
Anablepsoides obscurus 'Igarape Ayatauba GP 05/3' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Vlasov |
705 |
8 |
3009 |
Melanorivulus formosensis 'HvdB 2014-14' |
Vlasov |
705 |
8 |
3010 |
Anablepsoides ornatus 'neue Horizonte, Peru' |
Schmidt |
431 |
8 |
3011 |
Laimosemion mahdiaensis 'GUY 97/5' |
Mattes |
90 |
7 |
3012 |
Laimosemion xiphidius 'FG-AHR 2012/4 Crique Blanche' |
Adam |
998 |
9 |
[2] |
3013 |
Laimosemion xiphidius 'FG-AHR 2012/4 Crique Blanche' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Adam |
998 |
8 |
3014 |
Laimosemion strigatus 'BRLSM 2011/11 Bon Jesus' |
Kärst |
1267 |
8 |
3015 |
Laimosemion mahdiaensis 'GUY 97/5' |
Pietz |
91 |
8 |
3016 |
Anablepsoides speciosus |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
8 |
3017 |
Anablepsoides ornatus 'neue Horizonte, Peru' |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
7 |
3018 |
Anablepsoides ornatus |
Bayer |
48 |
6 |
3019 |
Melanorivulus pinima 'BMMO 6/15 Pereira' |
Malumbres |
347 |
ES |
8 |
3021 |
Laimosemion frenatus 'Annarika Guy 15-11' |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
7 |
3022 |
Laimosemion agilae 'Montagne de Singes, FG-AHR 2012/1' |
Adam |
998 |
8 |
Bewerter: Erler, Helker, Slominski |
Gruppe 4 - große "Rivulus" |
4001 |
Anablepsoides hartii 'Isla Margarita' |
Jankowski |
12 |
9 |
[1] |
4002 |
Anablepsoides hartii 'Isla Margarita' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Jankowski |
12 |
6 |
4003 |
Anablepsoides igneus 'Kaskade Fourgassie' |
Jankowski |
12 |
8 |
4004 |
Rivulus cylindraceus 'Cienaga de Zapata' |
Scholz |
535 |
8 |
4005 |
Rivulus cylindraceus 'Cienaga de Zapata' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Scholz |
535 |
9 |
[Zg] |
4006 |
Rivulus cylindraceus 'CU-AK 2012, Cienaga de Zapata' |
Kärst |
271 |
8 |
4007 |
Anablepsoides aff. holmiae 'GUYGL 2012/15 Horosoro' |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
8 |
4008 |
Anablepsoides spec. 'Madhia GUYGL 2012/05' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Vlasov |
705 |
9 |
4009 |
Cynodontichthys uroflammeus |
Ostroukhov |
7 |
4010 |
Cynodonichthys fuscolineatus 'Senderos Oasis, Cano Negro, Costa Rica 01/2011' |
Bolonov |
8 |
4011 |
Cynodonichthys isthmensis 'Cachi, Costa Rica 03/2015' |
Schmidt |
431 |
8 |
4012 |
Anablepsoides cryptocallus 'MGB 2011 Sentier Flamboyant' |
Mattes |
90 |
7 |
4013 |
Cynodonichthys spec. 'COLMR 15/04 Hacienda Nápoles' F1 |
Reis |
P |
9 |
[2] |
4014 |
Anablepsoides igneus |
Genzel |
500 |
8 |
4015 |
Rivulus cylindraceus 'Cascada de Soroa' |
Koepp |
7 |
4016 |
Cynodontichthys siegfriedi |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
8 |
4017 |
Cynodontichthys spec. 'Pan 2012-02 Queb. Buenos Aires' |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
9 |
[3] |
4018 |
Anablepsoides waimacui 'Guy 02/04 Kurupukari' |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
8 |
4020 |
Anablepsoides hartii 'Isla Margarita' |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
8 |
4021 |
Anaplebsoides stagnatus 'Wismar, Guyana' |
Bayer |
48 |
8 |
4022 |
Anablepsoides aff. holmiae 'GUYGL 2012/15 Horosoro' |
Garcia Castro |
ES |
7 |
Bewerter: Erler, Helker, Slominski |
Gruppe 5 - Südamerikanische Saisonfische |
5001 |
Neofundulus splendidus 'BO-HV 2015/15' |
Jankowski |
12 |
7 |
5002 |
Simpsonichthys papilliferus 'Inoa' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Johannis |
1184 |
7 |
5003 |
Austrolebias nigripinnis 'Rosario del Tala' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Pohlmann |
812 |
9 |
[Zg] |
5004 |
Papiliolebias ashleyae 'Los Palmeras BPBV 2014/3' |
Pohlmann |
812 |
7 |
5005 |
Aphyolebias peruensis |
Hönsch |
239 |
8 |
5006 |
Aphyolebias peruensis |
Hönsch |
239 |
kB |
5007 |
Austrofundulus leohoignei 'VEN 09/2' |
Herbst |
1239 |
8 |
5008 |
Ophthalmolebias constanciae 'DDR-Stamm' |
Herbst |
1239 |
8 |
5009 |
Ophthalmolebias constanciae 'DDR-Stamm' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Herbst |
1239 |
7 |
5010 |
Austrolebias nigripinnis 'RK99' |
Brünken |
1305 |
7 |
5011 |
Austrolebias nigripinnis 'Villa Soriano' |
Brünken |
1305 |
8 |
5012 |
Simpsonichthys papilliferus 'Inoa' |
Brünken |
1305 |
8 |
5020 |
Austrolebias nigripinnis 'RK99' |
Lieder |
1159 |
9 |
[1] |
5021 |
Austrolebias affinis 'Durazno' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Lieder |
1159 |
7 |
5022 |
Austrolebias apaii 'Villa Soriano' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Lieder |
1159 |
7 |
5023 |
Austrolebias paucisquama 'TT Sao Seppe' |
Lieder |
1159 |
7 |
5024 |
Aphyolebias rubrocaudatus 'Rio Tambota' |
Suijker |
441 |
NL |
7 |
5025 |
Nematolebias whitei 'ASFW' |
Lieder |
1159 |
8 |
5026 |
Simpsonichthys zonatus |
Ephan |
710 |
8 |
5027 |
Ophthalmolebias constanciae |
Ephan |
710 |
8 |
5028 |
Neofundulus splendidus 'Lima BOF 05-12' |
Ostroukhov |
7 |
5029 |
Ophthalmolebias bokermani 'Ilheus' |
Brylov |
7 |
5030 |
Notholebias vermiculatus |
Brylov |
7 |
5031 |
Austrolebias nigripinnis 'RK99' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Johannis |
1184 |
7 |
5032 |
Simpsonichthys punctulatus 'Goias NP 03/07' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Johannis |
1184 |
7 |
5033 |
Papiliolebias ashleyae 'BO-HV 2015/14' |
Johannis |
1184 |
8 |
5034 |
Ophthalmolebias bokermani 'Ilheus' |
Johannis |
1184 |
8 |
5035 |
Austrolebias nigripinnis 'Villa Soriano' |
Johannis |
1184 |
7 |
5036 |
Spectrolebias reticulatus 'Altamira, Rio Xingu' |
Johannis |
1184 |
8 |
5037 |
Ophthalmolebias perpendicularis |
Ott |
57 |
7 |
5038 |
Austrolebias spec.aff. nigripinnis 'Ruta 1, Boca del Cufre UYR 11-01' |
Koepp |
6 |
5039 |
Austrolebias affinis 'Durazno' |
Koepp |
6 |
5040 |
Austrofundulus leohoignei '5 km to Sanare VEN 09/2' |
Koepp |
8 |
5041 |
Neofundulus splendidus 'Santa Cruz BOL 2013' |
Slominski |
1143 |
9 |
[3] |
5042 |
Hypsolebias longignatus 'Aquairaz' |
Johannis |
1184 |
7 |
5043 |
Austrolebias apaii 'Villa Soriano' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Born |
1322 |
6 |
5044 |
Austrolebias bellottii 'KCA 94/14 General Vedia' |
Wischmann |
361 |
7 |
5045 |
Spectrolebias chacoensis 'PYEH 2006/15' |
Jimeno Fernändez |
ES |
8 |
5046 |
Hypsolebias fasciatus 'Unai' |
Jimeno Fernändez |
ES |
7 |
5047 |
Austrofundulus leohoignei '5 km to Sanare VEN 09/2' |
Samborski |
515 |
7 |
Bewerter: Rizzo, Tille, Wößner |
Gruppe 6 - Nothobranchius & Fundulosoma |
6004 |
Nothobranchius lucius 'Ruhoi River TZN 09/10' |
Ostroukhov |
9 |
[1] |
6005 |
Nothobranchius torgachevi 'TNT 14-5' |
Ostroukhov |
6 |
6006 |
Nothobranchius guentheri 'ZAN 2014/2' |
Bolonov |
8 |
6007 |
Nothobranchius ugandensis 'Minakulu UGN 09-3' |
Aksenov |
1185 |
7 |
6008 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus 'Bala-Bala MZCS 2008/122' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Wischmann |
361 |
5 |
6009 |
Nothobranchius capriviensis 'NAM 95/1' |
Friedrich |
496 |
8 |
6010 |
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis 'FTZ 10/18' |
Friedrich |
496 |
9 |
[3] |
6011 |
Nothobranchius guentheri 'Sansibar' |
Friedrich |
496 |
7 |
6012 |
Nothobranchius korthausae 'Mafia Island Yellow TZN 08-02' |
Friedrich |
496 |
7 |
6013 |
Nothobranchius kadleci 'MZCS 11/43 Mhamatanda' |
Sedlacek |
CZ |
9 |
[2] |
6014 |
Nothobranchius eggersi 'Ruwu River Bridge FTZ 09/24' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Snoek |
NL |
7 |
6015 |
Nothobranchius ugandensis 'spec. N'Gobo UGH 09/8' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Snoek |
NL |
7 |
6016 |
Nothobranchius spec. 'Nyando River KEN 01-03' ZUCHTGRUPPE |
Snoek |
NL |