Raddaella Huber 1977   1 Art

Type-species: by original designation as Fundulus batesii Boulenger, 1911.

Etymology: in honor of Prof. Dr Alfred C. Radda, Wien, Austrian ichthyologist and virologist, explorator of Western Africa and discoverer and describer of many new species.

Huber, J.H. 1977. Liste nominale annotée de Aphyosemion Myers, avec Description de Raddaella et Kathetys deux Sous-genres nouveaux à la Biologie originale. Supp. Killi Revue (Killi Club de France), 4 (4): 10.


Raddaella batesii, Boulenger, 1911

Raddaella beauforti, Ahl 1924  Synonym of Raddaella batesii

Raddaella gustavi,  Ahl  1924  Synonym of Raddaella batesii

Raddaella kunzi,  Radda, 1975 Synonym of Raddaella batesii

Raddaella schreineri,  Ahl 1935 Synonym of Raddaella batesii

Raddaella splendidum, Pellegrin 1930 Synonym of Raddaella batesii


Raddaella batesii, Boulenger, 1911

(Description of new African Cyprinodont Fishes. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 8 (8), (44): 260-268.)

Type locality: Bitye, Ja (today Dja) river and (subseq.) Assobam, Bumba river, Congo river basin, southern Cameroun. 

 Raddaella batesii "RC 2016/2"  FängerLeendert van den Berg (Kongo 2016)

Raddaella kunzi,  Radda, 1975

(Contribution to the knowledge of the Cyprinodonts of Gabon, with the description of four new species and one new subspecies of the genus Aphyosemion Myers.

Type locality: Etakanyabé, near Mboamo village, 20 km east of the ferry over the Ivindo in Makokou, road to Okondja, northern Gabon.

British Killifish Association, Killi News Jun. 1975: 1-20.)

Synonym  of  Raddaella batesii

Raddaella  kunzi "VAB 2016-15"   Fänger: Venstermans, Aerts & Bogaerts (Gabun 2016)


Raddaella schreineri (Ahl 1935)

Über neue oder seltene Afrikanische Zahnkarpfen der Gattung Aphyosemion und Nothobranchius.

Zool. Anz., 112: 125.

Type locality: Sangmelina (today Sangmelima), upper Lobo river, southern Cameroun.


Raddaella splendidum, Pellegrin 1930

(Poissons de l'Ogooué, du Kouilou, de l'Alima et de la Sangha recueillis par M. A. Baudon. (Description de cinq Espèces et cinq Variétés nouvelles. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 55: 196-210, fig.)

Type locality: Sangha river, tributary of Zaïre river (near Ouesso, subseq.), northern Congo.

Raddaella splendidum "Lele JVC 2013/7"

Fänger: Jaap Vlaming, Jaap Knol, Van Eck Joop und Heinz Ott